Wednesday, April 3, 2013


Yesterday I got to feel like a cow for about an hour.  We were able to do our IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) and it was one of the weirdest experiences I've been through in this entire process.  It just seemed so bizarre, but if it works I can't complain.  I didn't really know what to expect throughout the process but it was actually pretty painless and easy.  It is no worse than having a hystersalpinogram.  Just a little bit of cramping and I was all finished.  The worst part of the experience is when I was laying on the exam table for 30 minutes.  I'm sitting there with no one to talk to but myself.  I'm trying to tell myself, "Now don't get your hopes up, this doesn't mean you are pregnant.  Try not to get disappointed if this doesn't work."  Then I find myself talking to my little eggs (apparently there were 2 instead of 1 that I originally thought), "Ok guys, you are going to meet up with some tadpole looking things.  Please let them in!  I promise you that you will be happy you did because then you will grow into a baby and join our family.  We are a pretty cool family if you ask me.  You will be soo loved!  And hey if you both want to become babies, that is fine with me!"  Yup, I am borderline delusional.  But seriously, the thoughts that have been going on have been endless.  I just hope we get lucky so I can lock some of the crazy out.  I won't find out for 2 weeks so we are now entering the dreaded two week wait.  Lucky for me we are going to Las Vegas on Saturday.  It will be so nice to be distracted from all of this.  I am just going to relax at the pool and enjoy some time with my family.  Wish me luck!

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